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How fast can an electric scooter go? Discover speeds of up to 50mph!

How fast can an electric scooter go? Discover speeds of up to 50mph!

AE SPORTS Weekly Digest

by Tony Adam on Febuary 16, 2023


Electric scooters have become increasingly popular over the past few years. One of the most common questions that people have when considering an electric scooter is, "How fast can it go?"

In this article, we will explore this question in detail, and provide you with comprehensive information that will help you make an informed decision.


Top Speed of Electric Scooters

The top speed of an electric scooter can vary depending on several factors, including the battery voltage, motor power, the weight of the rider, and the terrain.

Generally, electric scooters can reach speeds of up to 20-25kmh, but some models can go even faster. For instance, Turbo Ultra scooter can reach speeds of up to 55-60kmh  depending on weight load while 3200W Turbo Ultra V2 dual motor model is designed to have a top speed of 70kmh, making it one of the fastest electric scooters on the market.


Factors that Affect the Speed of Electric Scooters

As mentioned earlier, several factors can affect the top speed of an electric scooter. These include:

  • Battery voltage: The higher the voltage of the battery, the more power the scooter will have, which can result in higher speeds.
  • Motor power: A more powerful motor can generate more speed, but it can also drain the battery faster.
  • Rider weight: Heavier riders can cause the scooter to go slower, as more power is required to move the weight.
  • Terrain: Steep hills, rough terrain, and uneven surfaces can all affect the speed of an electric scooter.
  • Riding style: Riding at full throttle all the time can drain the battery faster and result in slower speeds with decreasing voltage.


Let's focus on the two primary factors that will decide the top speed of an electric scooter - battery voltage and motor power.


How does battery voltage affect the speed of an electric scooter?

Voltage can have a significant impact on the speed of an electric scooter. The voltage of an electric scooter's battery determines the amount of power that the scooter's motor can draw, which in turn affects the scooter's top speed.

In general, the higher the voltage of the battery, the more power the motor can draw, resulting in higher speeds. Higer voltage battery is always more expensive. For example, an electric scooter with a 48V battery will generally be faster than a scooter with a 36V battery, all other factors being equal.


What the top speed can a 48v, 60v or 72v electric scooter achieve in general?

The top speed that a 48V, 60V, or 72V electric scooter can achieve depends on a variety of factors, including the power of the motor, the weight of the scooter and rider, the terrain, and the conditions.

A 48V electric scooter with a powerful motor can typically achieve speeds of around 25-36 miles per hour (40-60 kilometers per hour) on flat terrain, depending on the other factors mentioned above.

A 60V electric scooter with a powerful motor can typically achieve speeds of around 30-40 miles per hour (48-64 kilometers per hour) on flat terrain, again depending on the other factors.

A 72V electric scooter with a powerful motor can typically achieve even higher speeds, with some models capable of reaching speeds of 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour) or more on flat terrain.

Theoretically, to make an electric scooter faster, you can upgrade your battery to a bigger one with a higher voltage. However, you will need to upgrade your electronic controller to match the higher voltage of the new battery.

In Queensland, most people are keen on 48V dual motors or 48V high-performance long range scooters rather than 36V low-power scooters, because Queensland has many hills on the roads, which has a higher requirement on electric scooter's performance.


How does a motor determine the speed of an electric scooter?

In general, a more powerful motor can generate more speed. The power of an electric scooter's motor is typically measured in watts, and it can range from a few hundred watts to several thousand watts. A higher power motor can generate more torque, which allows the scooter to accelerate more quickly and reach higher speeds. For example, the TURBO Ultra scooter has 1600W peak power, while TURBO ULTRA V2 has 3200W maximum power, which can easily carry a 150kg rider.

However, a more powerful motor can also consume more energy and drain the battery more quickly, which can reduce the scooter's overall range if you ride at full throttle all the way. Additionally, a more powerful motor can be heavier and larger, which can affect the overall weight and size of the scooter.

In conclusion, the top speed of an electric scooter can vary depending on several factors, but most models can reach speeds of up to 15-20 mph.

At AE SPORTS, we offer a range of electric scooters that can reach even higher speeds. However, it's important to remember that safety should always be your top priority, and that riding responsibly is key to enjoying your electric scooter safely.






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