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Electric Scooter Battery 101: Understanding Types, Capacity, and Maintenance

electric scooter battery

by Tony Adams on January 27, 2023

Many electric scooter users haven’t fully understood the ins and outs of their electric scooter battery, leading to uncertainty about what they should do to make it last longer or to choose the right battery for their next scooter.

In this blog post I’m going to demystify scooter batteries and give you a comprehensive knowledge about them.


You’re going to learn:


Types of Electric Scooter Batteries: Lithium vs Lead-Acid

Capacity and Range: How to Choose the Right Electric Scooter Battery

Maintenance and Care: How to Prolong the Life of Your Electric Scooter Battery

Troubleshooting Common Electric Scooter Battery Problems

Top Picks for Electric Scooter Batteries: Our Recommendations



Understanding the Different Types of Electric Scooter Batteries

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as a modern mode of transportation. They are eco-friendly, convenient, and offer a cost-effective way to get around.

However, not all electric scooters are created equal, and a key factor in the performance of an electric scooter is the type of battery it uses.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the two main types of batteries used in electric scooters: lithium battery and lead-acid battery.



1. Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries are the most popular choice for electric scooters. They are lightweight, have a high energy density, and can be charged many times.

Lithium batteries are also low-maintenance and have a long lifespan, typically lasting between 800 and 1000 cycles.

One of the biggest advantages of lithium batteries is their high energy density. They can store a lot of energy in a small space, making them ideal for portable devices like laptops and smartphones. When it comes to electric scooters, they can provide a lot of power in a compact space.


Lithium batteries also have a relatively low self-discharge rate, which means they can hold a charge for a long time without losing capacity. This is especially important for electric scooters, as this nature allows the scooter to retain its charge for a long period of time without having to charge it weekly.

 lithium battery scooter

2. Lead-acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries, on the other hand, are much heavier and bulkier than lithium  batteries. They have a lower energy density and need more space to store the same amount of energy as a lithium  battery.

The typical lifespan of a lead-acid battery is between 300 and 500 cycles (like a year), and after a year, you will notice that the performance of your battery drops significantly.

They also have a relatively high self-discharge rate, so they may not hold a charge for a long time compared to lithium batteries. However, lead-acid batteries are much cheaper than lithium  batteries and have been used in automobiles for over a century.

 lead-acid battery scooter

3. The key features of lithium and lead-acid batteries


Lithium Battery

Lead-Acid Battery

Energy density



Self-discharge rate



Cycle life

High (800-1000+ cycles)

Low (300-500 cycles)

Charge/discharge rate



Memory effect






Environmental impact







Capacity and Range: How to Choose the Right Electric Scooter Battery

Batteries are the most expensive part of an electric scooter. When it comes to owning a private scooter, having the right battery is key. There’re two most important factors to consider when selecting a battery: capacity and range.


1. Battery Capacity: What You Need to Know

Battery capacity refers to the amount of energy a battery can store. It is measured in watt-hours (Wh) or amp-hours (Ah). The higher the capacity, the more energy the battery can store and the longer your electric scooter can travel on a single charge.

Let's take a 48V 20Ah electric scooter battery as an example. The capacity of this battery is 20 amp-hours, which can be converted to watt-hours by multiplying the voltage (48V) by the amp-hours (20Ah): 48V x 20Ah = 960Wh.

You should be aware that a bigger controller or a more powerful motor will consume more energy to operate. Thus, if you’d like to only extend your range, just upgrade your battery. However, if you’d like to make your scooter run faster (by upgrading a controller or motor) and also run further, you will need to consider a bigger battery.


2. Range: How Far Can Your Electric Scooter Travel?

The range of an electric scooter refers to how far it can travel on a single charge. It is typically measured in miles or kilometers. The range of your electric scooter can vary depend on a number of factors including rider weight, road conditions, battery type and capacity, controller and motor power.

As a rough estimate, a 48V 20Ah battery is capable of providing a range of around 40-60 km under optimal conditions.


3. Choosing the Right Scooter Battery

The ideal battery for you will depend on your specific needs and the type of riding you do.

If you plan on using your electric scooter for long distance travel, you'll want to choose a battery with a high capacity. If you plan on using your scooter for shorter trips around town, a smaller battery with a shorter range may be sufficient.

We already know that a pack of 48V 20ah battery is equivalent to 960Wh, and typically, this amount of power can run up to 40-60km on the eco mode on flat roads. Now, we need to consider the factors that can lessen your range.


There're two major factors that will affect your scooter range:


 Climbing hills

Cimbing hills will consume more battery power compared to riding on flat surfaces. When climbing hills, the electric motor needs to work harder to overcome the resistance of the incline, which results in a higher energy consumption. The steeper the hill, the more energy is required to climb it.

When you're planning to use your electric scooter for climbing hills or off road camping, you should consider choosing a scooter with a higher capacity battery, more powerful motor and larger wheels which will provide a better performance and ensure a longer range.

It's worth noting that when you're on a hilly terrain, it's important to preserve the battery power by using regenerative braking, maintaining a steady speed and avoiding sudden acceleration, as this can greatly affect the range.

So, how do you choose the right scooter battery for your needs? Just consider your typical usage. If you plan to use your scooter primarily for short commutes around town, a small battery may be sufficient.

If you live in a hilly area, or you plan to use it for longer trips or for more demanding applications, such as off-road riding, you may need a battery with a higher capacity.


Weight load

The rider's weight can affect the range of an electric scooter to a certain degree, as the scooter's motor needs to work harder to carry a heavier load.

A heavier rider will require more energy to accelerate and maintain speed, and this will have a direct impact on the range of your scooter. The greater the weight, the more energy the scooter will require to move, and the shorter the range will be.

If you're a heavier rider, and choose a low-power scooter, the small motor would not help you extend the range. Instead, the low-power motor will generate more heat and waste more energy to boost you.

Overall, it's important to take into account the overall weight and usage of your scooter, and to choose a battery with a sufficient capacity and range to meet your needs.


Recommended battery capacity:


Weight Range


Minimum Capacity (Ah)

Motor Configuration




500W single motor




500W-800W single motor




1000W rear-drive or dual motors




1200W dual motors


Maintenance and Care: Prolong the Life of Your Electric Scooter Battery

As an electric scooter owner, you want to ensure that your scooter battery lasts as long as possible, because we all know, replacing a battery is not cheap.

In this article, I will provide you with tips and information on how to care for your scooter battery, so it lasts longer and performs better.


1. Understanding Battery Lifespan

All batteries have a limited lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced. The average lifespan of a quality lithium-ion battery is 800-1000 cycles, which can be about 3 years for someone using their scooter 5 days a week.


2. Temperature Management

Keep your scooter at the right temperature. Batteries perform best when kept at a moderate temperature between 20 and 25 degrees celsius. Battery swelling issue may occur in a hot envrionment. Avoid exposing your electric scooter to extreme temperatures, such as in a hot car or direct sunlight, as this can cause damage to the battery.


3. Regular Use

Another way to prolong the life of your electric scooter battery is by using it regularly. If you don't use your scooter often, the battery will slowly lose its charge and may not perform as well when you finally do use it. Try to use your electric scooter at least once a month to keep the battery in good condition.


4. Clean and Dry

It's important to keep your electric scooter battery dry and free of debris and water. Water can cause corrosion of the battery terminals and connections, which can lead to damage and a reduction in performance.

If you happen to get caught in a big rain, open the footdeck to have a check if there is water ingress in the battery chassis just in case.  

Wipe down the connections with a dry cloth to prevent any buildup of dirt or corrosion.


5. Charging and Storage

When it comes to charging and storing your electric scooter battery, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

Batteries should be kept between 20-80% charge when not in use to extend their lifespan. Dead flat is not good to batteries and your scooter battery might not be rechargeable anymore if it were left flat for months.

The discharge rate of your battery is high when it’s just fully charged. Avoid leaving the battery in a fully charged state for long periods, as this can also affect its lifespan. It's best to charge your battery to 80-90% and use it to 20% before recharging it.

It's not recommended to charge a lithium-ion battery immediately after a long trip, especially if the battery is hot. The battery may bulge if charged while hot. Wait until the battery cools down before charging it.


6. Use a Right Charger

Proper charging is also essential to maintaining your electric scooter battery. Overcharging or undercharging the battery with a wrong charger can shorten its lifespan. Even worse, it can catch fire.

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging the battery and avoid leaving it plugged in for extended periods of time.

The lithium battery charger and lead-acid battery charger are not universal. You cannot use a "normal" random charger to charge your battery, which may catch fire or break your battery cells.

In addition, a charger must meet the requirement on output voltage. Taking 36v battery as an example, you need a charger with 42V output voltage as shown in the photo below.

scooter battery charger


Battery Type and Required Output Voltage

Battery Type

Charger’s Specified Output Voltage

36V battery


48V battery


52V battery


60V battery



Troubleshooting Common Electric Scooter Battery Problems

In this section, we will discuss the four most common electric scooter battery problems - reduced range, slow charging, overheating, and battery not holding a charge - and how to troubleshoot them.


1. Reduced Range

One of the most common electric scooter battery problems is reduced range. This can be caused by several factors, including a low battery charge, natural wear, or a problem with the scooter's battery, motor or controller.

If you're experiencing a reduced range, the first step is to make sure your battery can be fully charged to specified maximum voltage.

Battery Type and Fully Charged Voltage

Battery Type

Fully charged  Voltage

36V battery


48V battery


52V battery


60V battery



If your battery cannot be fully charged to the maximum voltage specified, it is very likely that some battery cells are broken. For example,  your 36V battery can only be charged to 40V rather than 42V. This implies that your battery has a problem.

If you upgrade your scooter controller to a bigger one, it will also shorten your range. For example, your motor is 500W, and you use a 800W controller. That move will add on the torque and acceleration of your scooter, but your motor will get hotter and range will be reduced.

If you upgrade your 500W motor to a bigger one, for example, 800W, your scooter range will also be reduced, and the controller may get hotter than normal.

The most common reason of scooter range drop is natural wear.  The battery of an electric scooter naturally deteriorates due to regular use and aging. Over time, the battery's ability to store and release energy becomes weaker, resulting in a shorter range for the scooter.


2. Slow Charging

Another common issue with electric scooter batteries is slow charging. This can be caused by several factors, including a problem with the charger, the battery, or the scooter's charging port.

If you're experiencing slow charging, make sure the charger is properly connected to the scooter and that the charger's LED indicator is lit with red light.

If it is charging slower than usual after replacing your charger, it is likely that your battery’s battery management system board has a minor problem. That’s uncommon.


How Long Does It Take to Charge an Electric Scooter Battery?

The time it takes to charge an electric scooter battery can vary depending on the battery's capacity, and the type of charger being used.

For a standard electric scooter battery with a capacity of 36V-48V and 10Ah-20Ah, it typically takes around 5-8 hours to charge fully with a normal charger. A high-capacity battery, such as a 52V-60V and 20Ah-30Ah battery, may take longer to charge, up to 8-11 hours or more.

Some scooters also have a built-in battery management system (BMS) that regulates the charging process and can extend the charging time. Using a fast charger can reduce the charging time significantly, but please be aware that some BMS would not allow a faster current input.


3. Overheating

Overheating is another problem with electric scooter batteries, and it can be caused by two major factors, including a problem with the battery and extreme acceleration.

1. Overcharging with a wrong charger: Overcharging a battery can cause it to become hot due to excessive current flowing through the cells, leading to heat generation.

2. High discharge rate: High discharge rate can cause the battery to become hot due to increased electrical resistance. If you give full throttle to your scooter for over 15 mins, your battery may get hot. Extreme acceleration for a long period of time is not recommended.  

3. Defective battery: If a battery is defective, it may become hot due to an imbalance in the cells or an internal short circuit.

4. External factors: Exposure to high temperatures or direct sunlight can cause a battery to become hot, even if it is not in use.


4. Battery Not Holding a Charge

This is another common problem with electric scooter batteries, and it’s normally the battery problem.

1. Battery degradation: Lithium batteries naturally degrade over time, which can affect their ability to hold a charge.

2. Lack of maintenance: Not properly maintaining the battery, such as storing it in a hot encironment, can also affect its overall life.

3. Broken battery cells: Make sure the battery can be charged to its maximum voltage. You can use a multimeter to check the voltage of your battery when it is fully charged. If it is less than the specified voltage (54.6V for 48V battery, 42V for 36V battery), the battery may have a problem.


Top Picks for Electric Scooter Batteries

A good battery will determine how far you can go on a single charge, its reliability and longevity. In this section, I will cover some of the top picks for electric scooter batteries.


1. Samsung Batteries: A Reliable Option

Samsung batteries are known for their high-quality and reliability, which is why they are used in high-end electric scooters that cost over 2000 AUD.

They are known for their long lifespan and consistent performance, but the cost of Samsung batteries can be a major drawback for most people. Samsung batteries are ideal for riders who prioritize performance over cost and are willing to invest in a battery that will provide them with a long-lasting and consistent riding experience.


2. LG Batteries: Energy-Efficient Option

LG batteries are known for their high-quality and reliability, similar to Samsung batteries. They are widely used in high-end electric scooters, and their energy-efficiency is one of their major advantages.

LG batteries provide a longer range on a single charge, making them an ideal choice for riders who travel long distances frequently. However, like Samsung batteries, the cost of LG batteries can be a significant barrier for some riders.


3. Chinese Batteries: Cost-Effective Option

Chinese batteries have been gaining popularity in recent years, and many top electric scooter manufacturers now use Chinese batteries in their products, such as NAMI Burn-e scooter.

When it comes to Chinese lithium batteries, there are different grades of quality available, including A-class, B-class, and C-class.

A-class batteries are considered the highest quality and are made with quality materials and manufacturing processes. They have a longer lifespan, higher energy density, and better overall performance compared to lower-grade batteries.

One of the major advantages of A-class Chinese lithium batteries is their cost-effectiveness. For example, a 48V 20Ah A-class Chinese lithium battery with a capacity of 960 Watt-hours (Wh) and an estimated range of 40-60 kilometers on a single charge can cost around $450. This is significantly less than the price of a similar Samsung battery, which can cost anywhere from $800 to $1,200.

A-class Chinese lithium batteries also come with built-in safety features such as overcharge and over-discharge protection, which help ensure the safety of the rider and prolong the life of the battery.

Let’s wrap.

Samsung and LG batteries are known for their high quality and reliability, but they are quite expensive. Chinese batteries, on the other hand, offer a great value for money.





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